Who are we?
We are a friendly group of individuals who enjoy a diverse range of model railway related activities in various gauges. The Club owns several layouts which are permanently available to members at our exclusive use premises in Beaconsfield.
What do we do?
At present we have O, OO and N gauge layouts in various states of completion. All members are encouraged to contribute their skills to the on-going tasks needed to complete the layouts. Tasks include elements of carpentry, electrical wiring, scenery and building construction. Locomotive and rolling stock running sessions take place once a month. Members enjoy operating their own stock on the Club layouts. From time to time we have demonstrations from competent persons with the aim of improving the modelling ability of our members. Skills are shared with each other for the mutual benefit of all members. The layouts occasionally feature at model railway exhibitions.
What facilities do we have?
We have use of 4 buildings, the most recent erected in late 2015, providing comfortable facilities for all of our activities. We have two “main” clubrooms, of similar size, which between them house our “O”, “N” and three “OO” layouts. The 2015 building has an area for refreshments and a library. There is a separate workshop building, currently housing a fourth “OO” layout under construction, plus a separate storeroom.
When do we do it?
Our main evening for Club activities is on a Friday (except Bank Holidays) between 7.30pm and 10pm.
In addition, smaller groups meet during the daytime on some weekdays, usually focused on working on one or more of our layouts – although sometimes there are also ad-hoc running sessions.
Because we have 24/7/365 access to our premises, if two or more members are keen the can arrange to visit the clubrooms at other times during the week/weekend.
Who can join?
Anyone who is a Railway Modeller (or wanting to become one) is welcome to join. Our current membership covers from the novice to modellers with many years of experience. Individuals of any sex, ethnic origin, or age group, are welcome. We currently have members ranging from young adults to pensioners and from various walks of life. Prospective younger members must have a responsible person to accompany them on Club nights and other Club related activities.
How do I join? 
Contact the Club Secretary, Ray Lewis (01753 677709) who will discuss the joining process, arrange to meet you on a Friday evening and show you around the Club rooms.
There is a modest annual membership subscription that equates to less than the cost of a pint of beer per week!
and enjoy the Railway Modelling hobby